Saturday, March 14, 2009


One of my instructors asked me to aid a photographer in taking headshots of my fellow classmates. Helping out actually turned into taking my own set of shots of each person. I collected a few that are among my favorites for a composite post of photos of lovely people. They look funy because they are big photos I compressed into smaller ones for the purposes of all things blog.

Kandace! The sweetest girl.

I've missed taking portraits. This has been a ton of fun. I'll prolly do more for people in the coming weeks, which is exciting to me.

Jinelle was at SCU today and it was awesome. She is awesome. :] She goes back to Texas this weekend and I'll miss her! JayJay, thanks for having fun with me the past two weeks! I appreciate you coming to my show multiple times, I enjoyed our Target adventure, and I've had on-campus fun with you, too! :P muah!

And I have two finals to go til Spring Break! That means breakfast date with Ethan. Momma-Daughter get-away. Cleaning... Not ideal. But much needed. And, most importantly, no school. Hallelujah.

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