This is Becca, the beautiful blushing bride! Not even she and her husband have seen this. Consider yourselves special, because I sure do!
I've been entirely too busy recently. I thought summer was the time to relax? Oh well! Can't say I'm complaining about seeing all the awesome people I've been seeing recently. Bible Study at Billy's was splendid. And I also finally reunited with Audrey and then Michelle - on the same day! Miracles. Today is the observance of Ethan's parents' twenty fifth anniversary - meaning we're havin' a parrrtay! Ethan and his father and siblings will be serenading the crowd while Michelle and I take photos while probably embarrassing ourselves in the process. I am excited, at the very least, to see Ethan look smashing in a tux. Off I go!
I've been waiting very anxiously for a shot from the wedding! It's very pretty. :D
Aw, thank you Whitney!
You're sweet - there's more to come.
Editing takes for.ever!
<3 Grace.
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