Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ask me some questions; I'll tell you no lies.

Inspired by the recent increase of accounts to procure one of my own...


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

What are you majoring in? What is Ethan majoring in? Do you think you'll get engaged soon hehehehe?

Grace said...

I am a Theatre major with a Communications minor; Ethan is a Mathematics major.
We both hope to teach one day; I want to teach younger kids and he wants to teach at the collegiate level, he thinks - although he'd make the most adorable kindergarten teacher!

As for the engagement...
Well, I think it's only natural for two people who have been together for two years to have discussed it!
Who knows what God's plan is, but I really hope it happens.
If it does, it probably won't be for another couple years because of school, the lack of monetary funds, and the fact that we're both still growing up.

<3 Grace.