Friday, March 6, 2009

Good news!

I am pleased to announce to all two of you who read this that I am now officially a 'published photographer.' Yes!

Months ago, my darling boyfriend took me on a late-summer trip to the San Francisco Zoo. We were so good-lookin' that we got in free. No seriously. It was a 'locals-get-in-free-with-proof-of-residence' day. Well, we're not locals. And yet they let us in free because they thought we were cute. I don't make these things up.

That's how I knew it would be a good day. Although I never did see the zebra I so desperately sought, I did end up with dozens of photographs of the next best thing: giraffes. Everyone loves giraffes. Including myself. So, using my little point-and-shoot, I caught this gem:

via my flickr.

I was informed about a month ago that Schmap, an online map/travel guide company, had selected this photograph to be on their short-list - that is, under consideration for publication - for their San Franciso 2009 guide as part of their feature on the Zoo.

Well, it's been published! It's but one of many beautiful photographs, so I clicked through to find it before taking screenshots. Check it out here, on the actual online guide, and here, on the Schmap application for iPhones.

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