Friday, January 22, 2010

Follow your heart[s].

Don't think I haven't noticed the steadily declining number of followers to this blog. I have, and it hurts me deep. Because my level of coolness obviously depends on how many people read my online diary - I implore you, readers: don't deny me of our friendship simply because of my lack of time.

It's not you. It's me. This quarter is my busiest yet - I'm taking more classes than recommended; I'm filling out my application to study abroad next fall; I'm rehearsing for a steadily-approaching one act; I'm serving as a costume designer for said one act; and I'm back to my old photographin' habits. It's all great, but it leaves very little time for spilling every last detail to the internet. You, my readers, get lost in the shuffle. But I am a faithful friend. I always come back.

Beyond all the melodramatic sarcasm, I guess what I'm asking is this: what do you guys even like about my blog? What keeps you kids around? What do you like to see here? To hear here? I'm curious. :]

In other news this week, I took the photograph for the poster for the upcoming One Act Festival (remember when I did this in October?). My favorite shot is also probably the creepiest shot I've taken.

I told you so. The Santa Clara University Winter One Act Festival will occur on February 13th and 14th at 2pm. Each performance will include productions of Christopher Durang's "'Dentity Crisis" and Carly Mensch's "All Hail Hurricane Gordo." Bay Areans, do stop by. This means you, Allison. :]

At the risk of making this my most sporadic post to date... I now will, at the suggestion of the super sweet and fun Celeste (who is currently living my future life, studying abroad in Florence, Italy - what fun!), I will now share seven facts about myself. I know you're curious. ;]

1. I own close to ten pairs of boots, simply because I can't get enough. Functional and stylish.
2. After graduation, I plan to get my teaching credentials in order to become a teacher of some sort.
3. You just can't beat a fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookie, methinks.
4. I will admit that I am somewhat of a text message-aholic.
5. My first kiss from a non-family member was on the cheek from a sweet eleven year old named Armando. I met him during a missions trip to Mexico with my high school; my team was assigned to build his family of five a new home. Despite my complete inability to speak Spanish he and I developed a friendship. After we handed over the keys to their new home, the little boy tapped my shoulder. I leaned over and he smacked one on me. I returned the favor. And then he returned the favor again. ;] Such a special memory to me.
6. Whenever I see an inspiring film, I start to think about how I can make my life better, while a soundtrack plays in my head. Does that make sense?
7. My biggest fear is death - but not my own.

Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!


Anna said...

sounds like a crazy quarter! i hope it's going well despite the stress! i love your little're so honest and sweet! keep it up :)

Allison said...

Oh no- I would never abandon you! :D Um.. as creepy as that shot it, it is AMAZING. Can't wait to hear how the Festival goes!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I like everything about your blog. I don't know! haha. I love the little stories you can tell in a few sentences. I can't do that because I am so descriptive! I also love that you love Jesus and don't seem to be ashamed about it, and I don't know too many people in real life or online who are that way.

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

By the way your first non-family member kiss was so sweet.

Allison said...

AHH!! Was this non-family member kiss in Mexicali?? SUCH great memories. :D

Grace said...

Allison, PBCC went to Mexico at the same time that my high school (also in Sunnyvale - King's Academy, do you know it?) so I always went with my classmates because I was closer to them than my churchmates.
This occurred in Tecate, more western than the central Mexicali area PBCC visited.

<3 Grace.